Plant of the month November,2022
Eng (thai)



Osbeckia setoso-annulata E.T.Geddes, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1928(2): 71. 1928.

Description: Perennial herbs, 10–70 cm tall; stem quadrangular, usually red, glabrous or sparsely hairy. Leaves opposite decussate, elliptic to ovate, 1–6 cm long, base and apex acute, margin smooth; lamina with 1–2 pairs of basal veins, slightly tomentose; petiole 2–3 mm long. Inflorescences terminal subsessile cymose with 2–10 flowers. Flowers 4-merous. Hypanthium urceolate, ca 5 mm long; with 3–4 rings of bristles; calyx lobes oblong, 3–6 mm long. Petals obovate, 7–11 mm long, light pinkish purple, apex truncate. Stamens 8; anthers yellow, oblong, narrowed into a short beak, opening by a single apical pore. Ovary inferior, apically covered with bristles. Capsule urceolate, 7-8 mm long. Seeds numerous, minute.




Distribution: Distributed along Thai-Burmese border and also found in Laos and Cambodia. In Thailand, found in Tak and Kanchanaburi, in open areas, grassland, edge of Dipterocarpus or deciduous forests, in sandy soil on limestone hills at 100–900 m alt. Flowering and fruiting in August–November.

Note: specific epithet ‘setoso-annulata’ refers to bristles that arranged in rings on the hypanthium.

Thai name: เอนอ้าขนแข็ง (en a khon khaeng)

Photos: Manop Poopath, Sawita Yooprasert (Tha Song Yang, Tak)

Renner, S. S., Clausing, G., Cellinese, N. & Meyer, K. (2001). Melastomataceae. In: T. Santisuk & K. Larsen (eds), Flora of Thailand 7(3): 454.