Plant of the month September,2021
Eng (thai)



Lonicera bournei Hemsl. ex Forb. & Hemsl., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 23: 360. 1888.

Description: Climbers, with sparse or dense yellow curved hairs on branches, lateral nerves below, petioles, calyx, peduncle and bracts. Leaves opposite, elliptic to ovate-oblong, 2-7.5 cm long; apex acute to acuminate; base truncate, rounded or subcordate; lateral nerves 3-5 on each side; petioles 0.4-1.3 cm. Inflorescences cymose, axillary, cluster toward apices of branchlets; peduncle short; bracts subulate, 0.5-3 mm; bracteoles obovate or oblong, ca 1.2 mm. Calyx 5-lobed, deltoid, ca 0.5 mm, ciliate. Corolla white turning yellow, fragrant, bilabiate, outside glabrous to pubescent; tube narrow, slightly curved, 3.5-6 cm; upper lip shallowly 4-lobed, ca 3 mm; lower lobe ca 0.8 mm, reflexed. Stamens 5; filaments fused to corolla tube, free parts glabrous, slightly exserted from corolla tube; anthers introse, ca 3 mm long. Ovary inferior, trilocular in lower part, unicular in upper; ovules 4-8 in each locule; style filiform, sparsely pilose in upper part, slightly exserted from corolla tube; stigma capitate. Fruit a berry, globose, ca 5 mm in diam., red.

Distribution: Distributed in China, Myanmar, Laos and Thailand, recorded from Chiang Mai, Loei, Chayaphume, Nakhon Ratchasima and Nakhon Nayok, forest margin, 700–1,500 m alt.

Thai name: สายน้ำผึ้งน้อย (sai nam pheng noi)

Photos: Preecha Karaket (Khao Yai)

Fukuoka, N. (2015). Caprifoliaceae. In Flora of Thailand Vol. 13(1): 72–76.
Yang, Q.E., Landrein, S, Osborne, J and Borosova, R. (2011). Caprifoliaceae. In Flora of China Vol. 19: 620, 637, 639–640.