Plant of the month July,2020
Eng (thai)



Buxus sirindhorniana W.K.Soh, von Sternb., Hodk. & J.Parn., Nordic J. Bot. 32(4): 454. 2014.

Description: Shrub or small tree to ca 8 m; bark corky; twigs lenticellate. Leaves decussate, lanceolate, 7.5-13 cm long; apex acute; base attenuate; blade leathery; margin entire; midrib sunk above, evident below; secondary nerves 25-30 on each side; petioles 0.5-1 cm long, grooved above. Inflorescences racemose, 1-4, axillary, to ca 1 cm long; flowers with 8-12 male flowers and one apical female flower; tepals 4, 2 opposite, fimbriate; bracts ovate, 2-2.5 mm long, fimbriate. Male flowers: pedicels 1.5-2 mm long; tepals ca 2.5 mm long; stamens 4, inserted on freshy central pistillode, 2-3 mm long. Female flowers: pedicels to ca 3 mm long; tepals 1.0-1.5 mm long, persistent; nectarines present; ovary 2-locular; ovules 2 per locule; style 2, free, ca 1 mm long, recurved, persistent; stigma decurrent. Fruit a capsule, globose, ca 5 mm in diam. Seeds 4, testa black, shining, carunculate.


Distribution: Endemic to Thailand, recorded from Chiang Mai (Doi Chiangdao), Lampang (Jaeson), Tak (Doi Huamot), and Kanchanaburi (Sangkhla), on limestone, 700–1,500 m alt.

Thai name: ช้องเจ้าฟ้า (chong chao pha)

Photos: Preecha Karaket, Rachun Pooma (Doi Hua Mot, Tak)