Description: Climber, no white latex. Leaves opposite, elliptic or oblong, 6.5–15 cm long; apex short acuminate; base rounded to truncate; petioles 1–3. Inflorescences thyrsoid, branched and congested above, 4–10 cm long, hairy on the upper parts; peduncles greenish red robust, 2–4.2 cm; pedicels dark red, 1–1.2 cm, twisted when dry, hairy. Sepals 5, dark red, pale green at apex, ovate, 1.5–2 mm long, with small collecters inside. Corolla pale green-yellow, mature flower salverform; tube dark red, 4.7–5 mm long, densely hairy inside below stamens; lobes overlapping to the right in bud, ovate, ca 4.5 mm long. Stamens 5, inserted at corolla mouth, exerted; filaments ca 1.4 mm long; anthers ovate, sagittate, ca 2.5 mm long, with sterile area adnate to the pistil head. Disk annular, 5-toothed, ca 2 mm high. Ovary of 2 separate carpels united into a common style, ca 0.8 mm long, densely hairy; ovules numerous; style inflated for only a short space above the top of the disk, ca 5.3 mm long; pistil head composed of collar with 2 projections on top. Fruit a pair of follicles, spiral, ca 4 mm, to ca 17 cm long. Seeds narrowly elliptic with an apical coma. |