Description: Shrub or tree, to 10 m tall, stem armed, spines 2–3 cm long, branches often drooping. Leaves bipinnate, rachis very short, spine-tipped, apex spine; pinnae 2–4, 20–40 cm long, rachis flattened; petioles short with 2 petiolar spines; leaflets numerous, obovate-oblong, 2–5 mm long; petiolues short. Infloreacence axillary, racemose, to 20 cm long, normally with 8–17 flowers; pedicels filiform, 1–2 cm long; receptacle short. Calyx 5, 5–7 mm long, reflexed. Petals yellow, sometimes with orange or red center, 5, 1.2–1.8 cm long including pubescent claw; middle one suborbicular, usually red or orange, claw ca 6 mm long; the others rhomboidal with shorter claw. Stamens 10, subequal, ca 6 mm long; filament broad towards base, pubescent below the middle; anthers versatile. Ovary shortly stipitate, pubescent; ovules 6–15; style glabrous; stigma minute. Pods narrow cylindrical, constricted between seeds, to 15 cm long; seeds usually 1–6, oblong, 1–1.5 cm long. |