Plant of the month July,2019
Eng (thai)



Aeginetia flava J.Parn., Kew Bulletin Vol. 67: 81.

Description: Root parasitic herb, 15–20 cm tall, solitary or branched near the base, reddish-yellow. Leaves 2, opposite, scale-like, linear, ca 1 cm long, at the base of the flowering stem. Flowers solitary, yellow. Calyx 2.5–4 cm long, spathulate, tip recurved. Corolla bilabiate, 3.5–5.5 cm long; tube 2.5–4 cm long, somewhat dilated, lower part strongly flexed, geniculate; lobes 0.5–1 cm long, spreading, irregularly dentate. Stamens 4, included, attached ca at point of inflection of corolla tube; upper stamens with distinctly papillate near anther; anthers with 1 cell perfect , spurred and gibbous, apical pore-like. Carpel 2; style curved, reaching nearly to the mounth, persistent; stigma peltate. Capsule ovoid, ca 1.6 cm long; seeds numerous, finely reticulate.



Distribution: Endemic to SE Thailand, known only from Khao Soi Dao Nuea and Khao Soi Dao Tai in Chanthaburi province, shaded in montane forest, 1,400–1,500 m, parasitic on Strobilanthus sp. (Acanthaceae)

Thai name: ว่านดอกเหลือง (wan dok lueang)

Photos: Phongsak Phonsena, Bob Harwood (Khao Soidao Tai, Chanthaburi)

Parnell, J. (2012).  Aeginetia flava: a new and remarkable species of Aeginetia: Orobanchaceae from South-Eastern Thailand. Kew Bulletin Vol. 67: 81–84.