Description: Root parasitic herb, 15–20 cm tall, solitary or branched near the base, reddish-yellow. Leaves 2, opposite, scale-like, linear, ca 1 cm long, at the base of the flowering stem. Flowers solitary, yellow. Calyx 2.5–4 cm long, spathulate, tip recurved. Corolla bilabiate, 3.5–5.5 cm long; tube 2.5–4 cm long, somewhat dilated, lower part strongly flexed, geniculate; lobes 0.5–1 cm long, spreading, irregularly dentate. Stamens 4, included, attached ca at point of inflection of corolla tube; upper stamens with distinctly papillate near anther; anthers with 1 cell perfect , spurred and gibbous, apical pore-like. Carpel 2; style curved, reaching nearly to the mounth, persistent; stigma peltate. Capsule ovoid, ca 1.6 cm long; seeds numerous, finely reticulate. |
Distribution: Endemic to SE Thailand, known only from Khao Soi Dao Nuea and Khao Soi Dao Tai in Chanthaburi province, shaded in montane forest, 1,400–1,500 m, parasitic on Strobilanthus sp. (Acanthaceae) |