Description: Tree, to 15 m tall, with red-brown stellate hairs on twigs, petioles, nerves below, inflorescences and fruits. Stipules lanceolate, 3.8–8 mm, caduceus. Leaves alternate, elliptic to oblong, 1–11 x 0.5–4 cm; apex acute or acuminate, tip obtuse; base obtuse or rounded; sparsely pubescent above, at the lower part, densely scales below; basal nerves 1 pair; secondary nerves 2–5 each side; vienlets scalariform; midrib sunk above; petioles stout, 2–7 mm. Inflorescences cymose, short, flowers yellow, many, fragrant; pedicels ca 5 mm; bracts on article, linear, caduceus. Sepals basally connate, 5 lobes, ovate, ca 7 mm long, spreading, hairy only on the margin inside and apex. Petals absent. Disc ca 1 mm, pubescent. Stamens ca 25, in 5 fascicles at base; filaments filiform, ca 9 mm; anthers dorsifix, filiform, ca 1 mm. Ovary superior, 5-loculed with axile placenta, densely pubescent; 2 ovules in each locule; style 1.5–3 mm; stigma lobed, curved, persistent. Fruit a capsule, broad obovat, ca 1 cm, hairy; pericarp thin, brittle; 5-celled, septa thin; seed usually 1, sub-globose, ca 6 mm. |