Plant of the month May,2019
Eng (thai)



Schoutenia glomerata King subsp. peregrina (Craib) Roekm., Reinwardtia 7(2): 113.

Description: Tree, to 15 m tall, with red-brown stellate hairs on twigs, petioles, nerves below, inflorescences and fruits. Stipules lanceolate, 3.8–8 mm, caduceus. Leaves alternate, elliptic to oblong, 1–11 x 0.5–4 cm; apex acute or acuminate, tip obtuse; base obtuse or rounded; sparsely pubescent above, at the lower part, densely scales below; basal nerves 1 pair; secondary nerves 2–5 each side; vienlets scalariform; midrib sunk above; petioles stout, 2–7 mm. Inflorescences cymose, short, flowers yellow, many, fragrant; pedicels ca 5 mm; bracts on article, linear, caduceus. Sepals basally connate, 5 lobes, ovate, ca 7 mm long, spreading, hairy only on the margin inside and apex. Petals absent. Disc ca 1 mm, pubescent. Stamens ca 25, in 5 fascicles at base; filaments filiform, ca 9 mm; anthers dorsifix, filiform, ca 1 mm. Ovary superior, 5-loculed with axile placenta, densely pubescent; 2 ovules in each locule; style 1.5–3 mm; stigma lobed, curved, persistent. Fruit a capsule, broad obovat, ca 1 cm, hairy; pericarp thin, brittle; 5-celled, septa thin; seed usually 1, sub-globose, ca 6 mm.




Distribution: Distributed in Cambodia and lower northern and northeastern Thailand, scattered along the river and lowland flood plain. Commonly cultivate as ornamental plant, flowering period usually between July to October. The "Yellow Star" tree is the symbolic tree of His Majesty the King Rama X.

The typical species, S. glomerata King, found only in Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo, it differs from this subspecies in larger leaves, midrib not sunk above and densely hairy on calyx lobes.

Thai name: รวงผึ้ง (ruang phueng)

Photos: An-nop Thipsaeng, Manop Poopath

Craib, W.G. (1925).  Contributions to the Flora of Siam. Additamentum XV. Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information, Royal Gardens, Kew. Kew. 1925: 22.
Roekmowati-Hartono. (1965).  A monograph of the genus Schoutenia Korth. (Tiliaceae). Reinwardtia 7(2): 91–138.
Phengklai, C. (1993).  Tiliaceae. In Flora of Thailand Vol. 6(1): 73–80.