Plant of the month February,2019
Eng (thai)



Sopubia trifida Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 88. 1825.

Description: Hemiparasitic herb, to ca 1 m tall; stems much branched, usually opposite, angled, striate, puberulent. Leaves opposite; lower leaves divided into 3 linear segments; upper ones not divided, linear, 1–3 cm; sessile. Racemes terminal, panicles; bracts foliaceous, to 1 cm; pedicel ca 1 cm; bracteoles 2, linear, near apex. Calyx campanulate, 3–4 mm, 10-ribbed, persistent; lobes 5, triangular, lanate inside and on margin. Corolla rotate-campanulate, yellow to pink, pink-purple patches at bas; tube ca 3 mm; lobes 5, obscurely bilabiate, subeqaul, orbicular-obovate, ca 5 mm. Stamens 4, didynamous, inserted lower part in the tube; filaments filiform; anthers 2, one fertile, oblong, ca. 2.5 mm, densely hairy at base; sterile anther minute. Ovary superior, 2-locular; style filiform, ca as long as the petal, persistent; stigma subligulate. Capsule subglobose, 3–4 mm; seeds numerous.

Distribution: Distributed from Africa, Madagascar, India, Bhutan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, S China, Indochina, to Malesia and the Philippines, scattered in open grassland; to ca 1,500 m.

Thai name: โสภา (so pha)

Photos: Sukontip Sirimongkol (Doi Chiangdao, Chiang Mai)

Yamazaki, T. (1990).  Scrophulariaceae. In Flora of Thailand Vol. 5(2): 223–225.
Hong, D., Yang, H., Jin, C., Fischer, M.A., Holmgren, N.H. & Mill, R.R. (1998).  Scrophulariaceae. In Flora of China Vol. 18: 87.