Description: Lithophytic orchid with creeping rhizome, rather densely gregarious on rock in streams, to ca 1 m tall, pubescent on upper part of stem, inflorescences, sepal outside, ovary and pedicels. Leaves 4-9, alternate, sessile, usually sheathing at base, ovate, elliptic to lanceolate; apex acuminate, to ca 12 cm long. Inflorescences terminal on leafy shoot, racemose, to ca 20 cm long, mostly with 3-4 flowers but can be up to 14 flowers; flowers greenish yellow, usually with reddish brown margins, longed pedicels; bracts leaf-like, elliptic to lanceolate, 0.5–5 cm long. Sepals lanceolate, 0.8–1.5 cm, boat-shaped, lateral sepals slightly wider than the dorsal, obliquely. Petals recurved, oblong to lanceolate, obtuse, 0.7–1.5 cm; labellum 0.8–1 cm long; hypochile concave, with 2-obliquely rounded lateral lobes, 3–4 cm long, reddish-brown on veins, with a pair of adjoining keels at base, furnished with orange warts and 2 oblong calli; epichile oblong to oblanceolate, 5–6.5 mm long, ornamented by 2 marginal ridges and a small drop-like callus above the base. Columne slightly reflexed, 5.5–6. mm long; pollinia 2; stigma with 2 low swelling at base; rostellum well developed, producing a diffuse viscidium. Ovary and pedicels 1–1.7 cm long. Capsule fusiform, with 6 longitudinal ridges, ca 1.5 cm long, fruit pedicel ca 1 cm long. |