Description: Parasitic herb on roots, fleshy, dioecious. Flowering shoot very short, 1-flowered; bud enclosed in bracts, reddish pink; open flower 5.5-11 cm in diam., 6-8 cm high. Perianth 10-lobed, imbricate, connate below, persistent; lobes dark reddish, broad triangle, outer 2-4 cm long, inner ones narrower, whitish or pink warts, warts 1-3 mm in diam. Collar pinkish white or yellow, 0.8-1.8 cm wide, 3-colored bands; ramenta densely, filiform, ca 5 mm long, papilose; aperture 1.3-3 cm in diam. Disc pan-shaped, densely hairy; in female, 2-3 cm wide, 6.5-8.5 mm deep, central column ca 2 x 1 cm; in male, disc and column slightly narrower than in female. Tube wall dark red, grandular; radial ridges 20, fused above the base. Stamens 20, connectives united to a stalked cup; anthers inserted on outside at base of cup; ovary inferior, ovules numerous. Fruit a berry, globose. |
Distribution: Endemic to Thailand, recorded from Tak, Kanchanaburi, Phetchaburi provinces and in the peninsular (Ranong, Phangna, Surat Thani), in dry evergreen and evergreen forests, 100–750 m, host species is Tetrastima harmandii Planch. It is closed to Sapria poilanei Gagnep. (collar without distinctly 3 colored bands, ramenta thicker, radial ridges not more than 2 mm high, discs smaller). Common name is Rama’s spittoon. |