Plant of the month February,2018
Eng (thai)



Osbeckia nepalensis Hook. f., Exot. Fl. 1, pl. 31. 1823

Description: Shrubs to 2 m tall; stems 4-angled, covered with appressed shaggy hairs. Leaves opposite, ovate to ovate-oblong, 8–15 cm long; blade densely strigose above, tomentose below; apex acute; base obtuse to slightly cordate; basal veins 2–3 on each side; tertiary veins numerous and parallel; petioles short. Inflorescences terminal, a panicle of cymes, 5–8 cm long. Flowers pale pink-purple, up to 10 flowers, 5-merous; bracteoles ovate, ca. 1.3 cm. Hypanthium urceolate, densely pectinate setose, to 5 mm long. Calyx lobes triangular ovate, 6–8 mm long, margin ciliate, caducous. Petals obovate, 1–2 cm long, margin ciliate. Stamens 10, in 2 whorls, inclined to one side; filaments as long as anthers; anthers oblong, 6–9 mm long, beaked, dehiscent by apical pore; connective slightly inflated, shortly spurred. Ovary half inferior, slightly longer than hypanthium, apically densely strigose, with axile placenta; style filiform, slightly longer than stamens. Capsule ovoid-globose, to 1 cm long, ribbed, dehiscing at truncate apex by 5 pores; hypanthium ca. 8 mm, densely pectinate setose. Seeds numerous, curved, small, densely granulate.


Distribution: Distributed from India, Nepal, Bhutan, S China, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, to Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia, open or moist areas, 300–1,400 m

Thai name: เอนอ้าน้ำ (en a nam)

Photos: Rachun Pooma (Wat Chan, Chiang Mai)

Chen, J. and S.S. Renner. (2007).  Melastomataceae. In Flora of China Vol. 13: 362.
Renner, S.S., G. Clausing, N. Cellinese and K. Meyer. (2001).  Melastomataceae. In Flora of Thailand Vol. 7(3): 452–454.