Plant of the month August,2017
Eng (thai)



Siamanthus siliquosus K. Larsen & Mood, Nordic J. Bot. 18(4): 393.

Description: Rhizomatous herb in compact clumps, to 1.5 m tall; rhizome fibrous. Pseudostem with three sheaths; ligule translucent, 1.2–1.5 cm long. Lamina lanceolate, to ca 60 cm long; apex acuminate; base attenuate; margin hairy; sericeous on lower surface; petioles to ca 1.5 cm long. Inflorescences terminal, lax, up to 20 flowers; axis glabrous, 20–25 cm long. Flowers reddish orange, single, resurpinate; bracteoles rudimentary, located ca the middle of the pedicel; pedicels to ca 3 cm long. Calyx tubular, 3–4 cm long, split to ca half of the length, bidentate, 5–7 mm long. Corolla tube 5–6 cm long; dorsal lobe similar to labellum, ca 9 cm long, turned downward; lateral lobes partly joined to the labellum forming a lower lip, 2–3 cm long; apex consist 3 filiform lobes, middle lobe ca 4 cm long, lateral lobes ca 7 mm long; lateral staminodes lacking. Filaments to ca 2 cm long; anthers 2.5–3 cm long. Ovary 3-locular; style placed in a furrow in the stamen, free from the anther. Capsule linear, drooping, 5–11 cm long. Seeds angular, ca 2 mm long.



Distribution: Endemic to Thailand, recorded from Narathiwat in evergreen forest, ca 800 m.

Thai name: สยามมนัส (sayam manut)

Photos: John Mood (cultivated)

Larsen, K. and J. Mood. (1998). Siamanthus, a new genus of Zingiberaceae from Thailand. Nordic Journal of Botany 18(4): 393–397.
Larsen, K. and S.S. Larsen. (2006). Gingers of Thailand. Queen Sirikit Botanic Garden. Chiang Mai.