| | Sonneratia alba Sm., in Rees, Cycl.: 33, no. 2. 1816. | Lythraceae | |
Description: Trees, to 15 m tall, not buttressed, surrounded by above the surface cone-shaped pneumatophores, usually 20–40 cm long, thick at base. Leaves opposite, elliptic, ovate or obovate, 4–11 × 3–8 cm; apex broad, rounded; base rounded; blade leathery; margin entire, petioles 3–9 mm. Flowers terminal, solitary or in group of 2–5, 4–8-merous, opening at night. Calyx cup-shaped, 3–3.5 cm long, persistent; tube shallowly, thick; lobes 5–8 mm long, tinged red. Petals white, resembling filaments, linear, 3–4 cm long, caducous. Stamens numerous, filaments white, anthers reniform. Ovary partly inferior, depressed, 10–20-carpellate; style slender, slightly longer than filament; stigma capitate. Fruit a depressed-globose, 3–5 cm in diam., leathery, indehiscent, crowned by style base; calyx lobes reflexed; seeds numerous, embedded in pulp, angular falcate. | | | |
Distribution: E Africa, Madagascar, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Japan, Andaman Islands, Hainan, SE Asia, N Australia, Pacifics, Seychelles. Densely in mangrove, shallow parts of calm seas and seashores, and tidal channel. | |
Thai name: ลำแพน (Lam phaen) | |
Photos: Preecha Karaket (Chanthaburi) | |
| Qin, H., S.A. Graham and M.G. Gilbert. (2007). Lythraceae. In Flora of China Vol. 13: 286–288. | | Santisuk, T. (1992). Sonneratiaceae. In Flora of Thailand Vol. 5(4): 436–441. |