Description: Twiner or prostrate herb with rootstock; hispid on stem, petioles, bracts, sepals and petals outside. Leaves alternate, broad ovate to ovate-orbicular, 2.7–9.5 cm long; apex acuminate; base deeply cordate; blade pale green or violet; secondary nerves 4–7 per side; petioles 2–6.5 cm long. Inflorescences axillary, cymose, 1–5-flowered; peduncles 0.8–2 cm long; bracts laceolate, 4–7 mm long; pedicels 1.4–2 cm long. Sepals 5, unequal; 3 outer longer, lanceolate, 1–1.4 cm, tip caudate, persistent, reflexed, reddish. Corolla tubular-funnelform, 5–6 cm long, shallowly 5-lobed; tube white; limb purple, ca 1.5 cm in diam. Stamens 5, alternate to corolla lobes, lower part hairy, included; filaments filiform, 1.7–1.9 cm long; anthers oblong with globose fine spiny pollen; pistil included, ca 2 cm long; stigma 2-lobed, globose. Fruit a berry, ovoid, weakly 4-lobed, 0.8–1 cm long, bright red. Seeds usually 4, trigonous-rounded, glabrous. |