Description: Shrub or small tree, to 7 m tall; densely yellowish gray stellate-tomentose on young twigs, young leaves, inflorescences, calyx and corolla outside. Leaves decussate, elliptic to lanceolate, 10–23 long; apex acuminate; base cuneate; margin serrate; petiole 1.5–4.5 cm,. Spikes cylindric, 10–13 cm long; flowers dence, verticillate; bracts densely overlapping, deciduous in fruit; bracteoles minute, linear. Pedicels to ca 1 mm long. Calyx campanulate, 6–8 mm, teeth 5–7, ca 1.5 mm. Corolla tubular, 0.8–1 cm long, limb 2-lipped, upper lip emarginate; lower lip 3-lobed, middle lobe larger. Stamens 4, anterior 2 longer, inserted at middle of corolla tube; filaments slender, connate at base, densely puberulent, distinctly exserted; anthers 1-cell, basifixed, reniform, transversely dehiscent. Disc shallowly 4-lobed; style slender, apex 2-cleft, subulate. Nutlets triangular oblong with truncate apex, sparsely tubercles. |
Distribution: Distributed in Bhutan, India, Nepal, S China, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam and northern Thailand, recorded from Doi Chiang Dao, Chiamg Mai, forest margins, open limestone, 1,600–2,000 m. |