Description: Shrubs, to ca 4 m tall, wood yellow. Leaves imparipinnate, 20–70 cm long; leaflets 4–9 pairs, oblong to lanceolate slightly ovate, 4–15 cm long; apex acuminate or acuteว base rounded, oblique; margin with 3–12 teeth on each side; leaflets sessile, terminal one sessile to petiolate, 1–3 cm long. Inflorescence terminal, fascicles of 4–15 racemes, simple or shortly branched, to 30 cm long; leaflet like bracts ovate-lanceolate, 2–3.5 cm long; bracteoles ovate-oblong, 3–7 mm long. Flowers yellow; pedicel 3.2–6 mm. Sepals 9, in 3-whorled, similar to petals, inner ones to ca 8 mm long, middle and outer ones shorter, ovate, to 2.5 mm long. Petals 6, one-whorled, elliptic to oblong, 5–8 mm, glands at base, apex emarginate. Stamens 6, opposite the petals, 3.5–5.5 mm long; anthers with conspicuously connective. Ovary 5–6 mm in diam.; style 2–3 mm long, persistent. Fruit a berry, subglobose, 5–8 mm in diam., deep purple, pruinose; seeds 4–7. |