Description: Aerial stem-parasitic shrub, with secondary haustoria. Leaves opposite, ovate or ovate-oblong, 9–20 cm long; apex acuminate; base attenuate to petiole or slightly cordate at base; blade shiny above; lateral veins visible on both surfaces; petioles 1–3 cm long. Inflorescences at nodes, axillary, subtended on a sessile involucrate bract, spike-like, 3–8.5 cm long; bracts 6–10 pairs, decussate; upper pairs bracts oblong, keeled, reddish orange; lateral bracts enclosing the flowers for 1.5–3 cm long, usually bearing 2 decussate pairs of flowers; inflorescences axis 4–8 mm long. Flowers orangish red, 6-merous; corolla tube 4–9 cm long with yellow patches; lobes, 3–6 mm long, reflexed, 1 or 2 deep splits on one side; calyx a membranous at the apex of the ovary. Stamens opposite the petals; anthers 5–8 mm long, slightly spurred at base; style conical, auricled above the base; stigma capitate. Fruits berry-like, with sticky mucilaginous tissue, one-seeded. |