Plant of the month April,2016
Eng (thai)



Musa laterita Cheesman, Kew Bull. 4(3): 265. 1949.

Description: Herb, growing from sympodial rhizome; pseudostems 1–2.5 m tall. Leaves oblong, to 1.5 x 0.4 cm; midrib deeply furrowed, reddish; petioles 40–50 cm long. Inflorescences terminal, erect; rachis and peduncle pubescent. Bracts orange-red, 20–30 cm long; lower bracts ca 4, with female or bisexual flowers; upper bracts with male flowers; flowers in 1–2 row. Tepals 6, in 2 whorls; inner whorl with one free tepal and tubular compound tepal with 5-toothed apex. Male flowers 6–10 per bract; free tepal boat shape, transparent, ca 1 cm long; compound tepal 3–4 cm long, reflexed; stamens 5. Female flowers 4–6 per bract, 7–8 cm long; free tepal short; compound tepal ca as long as ovary. Ovary inferior, 3-locular; ovules many; stigma clavate. Berries elongate, angled, 8–10 cm long; seeds hard, smooth, dull blackish.




Distribution: India, Myanmar and northern Thailand, commonly found along mixed deciduous forest margin, 300–700 m., also in plant market under the names of M. ornata ‘Bronze’ or M. ornata ‘Red Salmon’.

Notes: Recently, Musa laterita Cheesman was reduced to a synonym of Musa rubra Wall. Ex Kurz (Joe, et al., 2016).
Acknowledgements: Dr Sasivimon Swangpol of Mahidol University.

Thai name: กล้วยบัว (Kluai bua)

Photos: Preecha Karaket (Mae Sot, Tak)

Cheesman, E.E. (1949). The classification of the bananas. Kew Bulletin 1949: 24–28, 265–267.
Staples, G.W. and D.R. Herbst. (2005). A tropical garden flora. Bishop Museum Press, Honolulu, Hawai`i.
Joe, A., P.E. Sreejith and M. Sabu. (2016). Notes on Musa rubra Kurz (Musaceae) and reduction of M. laterita Cheesman as conspecific.