Plant of the month March,2015
Eng (thai)



Sclerochiton harveyanus Nees, Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 11: 279. 1847.

Description: Shrub, sometimes straggling, to ca 3 m tall. Young twigs puberulous. Leaves opposite, slightly to strongly anisophyllous; elliptic or ovate, 1.5–7 cm long; margins entire to dentate; densely ciliate along midrib on both surfaces; petioles 0.8–1.5 cm long. Flowers clustered at end of branches, not scented; pedicels 0.5–1.5 mm long; bractetoles 2, ovate to oblong, 4–6 mm long, sparsely pubescence, scarious. Sepals subequal, 0.6–1 cm long, divided near to base, margins scarious. Corolla blue, tube 6–8 mm long; hairy near insertion of stamens; limb 1.3–1.8 cm long, horizontal, lobes 5, 5–6 mm long. Stamens 4, filaments 8–9 mm long, puberulous; anthers shortly bearded near middle. Capsules 1–1.4 cm long, sessile, 4-seeded. Seeds elliptic ca 6 mm long with pectinate scales

Distribution: Native to Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Swaziland and Sout Africa, commonly cultivated as ornamental in tropic.

Notes: Last updated on 18 January 2017.

Photos: Rachun Pooma (Bangkok, cultivated)

Vollesen, K. (1991). A revision of the African genus Sclerochiton (Acanthaceae: Acantheae). Kew Bulletin 46 (1): 12–13.