Plant of the month July,2013
Eng (thai)



Torenia ranongensis T.Yamaz., J. Jap. Bot. 58: 14. 1985.

Description: Prostrate herb, to ca 70 cm long; stem quadrangular, glabrous. Leaves opposite, ovate to ovate-oblong, 2–5 cm long; apex acuminate; base rounde to subcordate; blade glabrous or sparsely pubescent on both surfaces; margins serrate. Flower solitary, axillary or terminal; pedicels 2–2.5 cm long. Calyx bilabiate, upper lip 3-lobed, lower lip bilobed; tubular, 1.6–1.8 cm long, 5-keeled, glabrous to sparsely pubescent. Corolla purple, bilabiate, ca 3.5 cm long; upper lip broadly orbicular, ca 1 x 1.3 cm; lower 3 lobes orbicular, smaller. Stamens 4, didynamous; lower pairs longer with a spur at base, filiform, ca 4 mm long; anthers divaricate, connectives short at base. Ovary cylindric, 2-locular; style filiform; stigma bilobed. Capsule, septicidal, cylindric, ca 1 cm long. Seeds many, small.



Distribution: Endemic to peninsular Thailand, recorded from Ranong, Krabi, and Songkhla, scattered in open grasslands, to ca 1,300 m.

Notes: Last updated on 18 January 2017.

Photos: Rachun Pooma (Phanombencha, Krabi)

Yamazaki, T. 1990. Scrophulariaceae. In Flora of Thailand Vol. 5 part 2: 208–209.