Description: Tree to 35 m. tall, hemi-epiphytic or terrestrial, glabrous or pale to rusty brown on twigs, stipules, leaf on both surfaces, petioles and figs. Stipules 1–2 cm long, caduceus. Leaves spirally arranged, elliptic, obovate to oblong, 7–35 cm. long; apex usually short acuminate; base obtuse, rounded to cordate; blades with cystoliths on both surfaces; secondary nerves 6–14 on each side; tertiary veins subscalariform; waxy glands at midrib base; petioles 1–4.5 cm long. Figs solitary or in pairs, axillary, usually sessile, turning yellow to orange, globose, ellipsoid to oblong, 1.5–2.5 cm diam.; basal bracts 2–3, hemisphere, unequal, 0.5–3 mm long, persistent; ostiole 2–3 mm diam., internal hairs absent; ostiolar bracts rather thick, slightly imbricate. |
Distribution: Sri Lanka, India, S China to Indichina, Malesia, Australia and throughout Thailand, scattered in mixed deciduous, dry evergreen and evergreen forests, to 800 m.
Notes: Last updated on 17 January 2017. |