Plant of the month April,2012
Eng (thai)



Haldina cordifolia (Roxb.) Ridsdale, Blumea 24: 361. 1978.

Description: Deciduous tree, to ca 30 m tall; buttressed; bark reddish-brown. Stipules 1–2 cm long, keeled, caducous. Leaves opposite, ovate, 9–20 cm long; apex acute; base cordate; blade sparsely hirsute above, pubescent below; secondary nerves 6–10 on each side; domatia hairy; petioles 5–12 cm long, pubescent. Inflorescences solitary head, axillary, cluster of 2–4(–10), ca 2 cm in diam.; peduncle 4–10 cm long. Flowers many, creamy yellow turning orengish; bracteoles small; calyx campanulate, lobes 5, ca 1.5 mm long; corolla salverform, fine hairy outside; tube 5–6 mm long; lobes 5, 1–2 mm long; filaments short; anthers 1–2 mm long. Ovary ca 2 mm in diam., pubescent; style and stigma exserted for 5–7 mm. Fruiting head 1–1.5 mm in diam; capsules obovoid, 4 valves, 4–5 mm long, pubescent; seeds numerous, winged.



Distribution: India, Sri Lanka, S China, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Upper Peninsular Malaysia and throughout Thailanmd, common in mixed deciduous and dry dipterocaro forests, occasionally found at the edges of evergreen forest, disturbed and agricultural areas including rice field, 100–800 m.

Notes: Last updated on 17 January 2017.

Photos: Phongsak Phonsena (Khon Kaen)

Puff, C. (2007 on wards). Flora of Thailand: Rubiaceae. Available at
Chen, Tao and C.M. Taylor. 2011. Rubiaceae (Haldina). In Flora of China Vol. 19: 146.