Plant of the month March,2012
Eng (thai)



Paradombeya burmanica Stapf, Hooker's Icon. Pl. 28: t. 2743. 1902.
Malvaceae (Dombeyoideae)

Description: Shrub 3–4 m tall, occasionally straggling, young twigs pubescent. Stipules linear ca 7 mm long. Leaves distichous, lanceolate, 6–14 cm long; apex acuminate to cuspidate; base obtuse to rounded; margin singly to doubly serrate; secondary nerves 5–7 on each sides, 3 nerves from base; blade with sparsely hairs; petioles inflated, 4–5 mm long. Cyme axillary, very short, 3–7 flowers; pedicels to ca 5 mm long, articulate above the middle; epicalyx 2–3, verticillate, ca 2 mm long. Calyx 5, connate at base; lobes elliptic to oblong, ca 5 mm long, acute. Corolla white; lobes 5, slightly unequal, ob-triangular, 0.5–1 cm long, apex irregular truncate, narrowly to base. Stamens 15 in 5 group of 3, alternate with staminodes; filaments connate at base, shorter than staminodes; staminodes 5, lingulate, ca as long as petals. Ovary obovoid, hairy; style elongate, ca as long as staminodes; stigma narrowly 5 lobes. Capsule ovoid, 5 grooves.



Distribution: Myanmar and N Thailand, recorded from Doi Inthanon and Doi Chiang Dao in Chiang Mai, scattered edges of montane forest and open limestone, 1,000–2,300 m.

Notes: Last updated on 17 January 2017.

Photos: Preecha Karaket (Doi Chiangdao, Chiang Mai)

Phengkhlai, C. 2005. Bombacaceae. In Flora of Thailand Vol. 9 part 1: 31–32.
Tang, Ya, M.G. Gilbert and L.J. Dorr. 2007. Sterculiaceae. In Flora of China. Vol. 12: 330.