Description: Ephiphytic subshrubs or terrestrial, to ca 100 cm tall, glabrous. Leaves opposite or whorled, elliptic to oblong or slightly obovate, 4–18 cam long, apex obtuse, acute to acuminate; base cuneate, obtuse to rounded; blade rather thin, glabrous on both surfaces; margin dentate or crenulate; secondary nerves 5–10 on each side; petiole relatively short to 2.5 cm long, Inflorescences axillary, cymose, many flowers, peduncle 3–10 cm long; bracts 2, opposite, ovate, 0.3–1 cm long; pedicel 0.3–1 cm long. Calyx 5, divided to base, 4–8 mm long, apex acuminate, glabrous. Corolla pale purplish, 2.5–4.5 cm long, sparsely puberulent outside, sparsely glandular inside near base; tube funnelform, 2–3 cm long, narrowly lower half; 2-lipped, lips orbicular; upper lip 2, ca 4 mm; lower lip 3, ca 8–10 mm long. Stamens 2, inserted at about the middle on tube inside or lower, ca 1 mm long; anthers basifixed, minute, subglobose; connective appendage hornlike, ca 1 mm long; staminodes 3, 1–5 mm long. Disc ringlike. Ovary linear, ca 2 mm long include style, glabrous. Capsule linear, not twisted, ca 7–10 cm long; seeds many, minute, with a hairs ca 1 mm both end. |
Distribution: India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, S China, N Vietnam, N & NE Thailand, recorded from Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai and Loei, scattered on trees or rocks in lower montane forest, usually in high latitude to ca 1,500 m.
Notes: Last updated on 27 December 2016. |