| | Pentasachme caudatum Wall. ex Wight, Contr. Bot. India. 60. 1834. | Apocynaceae (Asclepiadoideae) | |
Description: Perennial herbs, tufted, 20–80 cm tall. Leaves simple, opposite, linear, 5–15 cm long; apex acuminate; base cunete; lateral nerves inconspicuous; midrib prominent on both surfaces; petioles 1–2 cm long. Inflorescences cymose, short peduncle, 4–8 flowers; pedicels 0.5–1.5 cm long. Sepals 5, narrowly triangular, to ca 3 mm long. Corolla 5 lobed, tube short; lobes linear, to ca 1 cm long, twisted to right, wide at base. Corona 5-lobed, thick; margin denticulate. Filaments connate at base; anther flattened; apex membranous, inflexed on base of stigma head; pollinia attached to caudicle at middle. Stigma head conical, apex 2-cleft. Follicles cylindric, 4–7 cm. Seeds minute, coma ca 1.5 cm. | | | |
Distribution: India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, S China, Myanmar, Indochina, Peninsular Malaysia. In Thailand recorded from northeast, southeast and peninsular, scattered on rocks along streams in dry evergreen and evergreen forests, to ca 600 m.
Notes: Last updated on 27 December 2016. | |
Thai name: ดาวชลธาร (Dao cholathan) | |
Photos: Preccha Karaket & Rachun Pooma (Phu Wua, Buengkan) | |
| Li, Bingtao, M.G. Gilbert and W. D. Stevens. 1995. Asclepiadaceae. In Flora of China Vol. 26: 262. |