Plant of the month March,2011
Eng (thai)



Miliusa velutina (Dunal) Hook.f. & Thomson, Fl. Ind. 1: 151. 1855.

Description: Tree to 20 m tall; young branches tomentose. Leaves alternate, ovate to oblong, 8–30 cm long; apex acute or short acuminate; base slightly oblique, rounded or cordate; blade pubescent on both surfaces; secoundary nerves 10–16 on each side; petioles 2–7 mm long. Inflorescences cymose, leaf-opposite or on short branches; peduncle to 2.5 cm long; bracts and bracteoles minute, caducous; pedicels 5–10 cm long; torus glabrous. Sepals brown, tomentose, 3, triangular, 2–8 cm long. Petals 6; outer 3 similar to sepals; 3 inner ones dark brownish green, ovate-lanceolate, 1–8 cm long, densely golden hairs outside, inside glabrous. Stamens many; anthers with apiculate connectives. Carpels many, pubescent; ovules 2 per carpel; stigma clavate. Monocarps pubescent, subglobose, 1.5–2 diam, reddish when ripe; stipes 5–8 mm long.




Distribution: India, Nepal, Pakistan, S China (Yunnan), Myanmar, Indochina, Peninsular Malaysia and throughout Thailand, in mixed deciduous, deciduous dipterocarp and dry evergreen forests, to ca 500 m.

Notes: Last updated on 27 December 2016.
Bingtao, Li and M.G. Gilbert. 2011. Annonaceae. In Flora of China vol. 19: 680.