Plant of the month May,2010
Eng (thai)



Calanthe rosea (Lindl.) Benth., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 18: 309. 1880.

Description: Terrestrial orchid, sympodial, psuedobulb ellipsoid to ovoid, 3–6 cm long, roots with whitish hairs. Leaves plicate, oblong, 20–30 cm long; apex acuminate; base attenuate forming a petiole, to c. 15 cm, sheating. Inflorescences racemose, arising from pseudobulb base, densely hairy; 35–60 cm long; bracts lanceolate, 1–5 cm long, persistent. Flowers pink, hairy outside; pedicels and ovary to c. 3 cm long, densely hairy. Calyx similar, free, lobes lanceolate, c. 2 cm long, apex acute. Wing petals similar to calyx lobes. Lip adnate to wings petals, forming a tube enclosed the column; lobe expand, board elliptic, c. 2.5 cm long; apex truncate to slightly emarginate, darker than calyx lobes and wing petals; spur elongate, 2–3 cm long. Column short, thickened, winged; stima lateral; pollinia waxy, 8, in 2 groups, sticky viscidium

Distribution: Myanmar, N, NE & SW Thailand, recorded from Lampang (Chae Son), Phitsanulok (Thung Slaeng Luang), Tak (Doi Musoe, Pa Wo), Chaiyaphume (Phu Khieo) and Kanchanaburi, confined to rugged limestone hills in mixed deciduous and dry evergreen forests, 300–900 m.

Notes: Last updated on 27 December 2016.

Thai name: เอื้องชมพูไพร (Ueang chomphu phrai)

Photos: Rachn Pooma (Thongphaphume, Kanchanburi)

Seidenfaden, G. 1975. Orchid Genera in Thailand I: Calanthe R. Br. Dansk Botanisk Arkiv 29 (2): 39–41.