Plant of the month March,2010
Eng (thai)



Remirema bracteata Kerr, Hooker's Icon. Pl. 35: t. 3435. 1943.

Description: Large herbaceous climber to 10 m long, glabrous; sap milky. Leaves broadly ovate, 9.5–15 x 7–20 cm; apex acuminate; base cordate; membranous, minutely papillose below; secondary nerves 6–9; petiole 3.5–8.5 cm long. Inflorescence erect, 2–4-flowered; peduncle 11–24 cm long; bracts broadly ovate to orbicular, persistent, to 3.3 x 2 cm, apex acuminate; pedicel 1–2 cm long, thickened above. Sepals 5, free, imbricate, glabrous, outer 2 oblong-obovate, ca 4.4 x 2.2 cm, inner 3 oblong, ca 4 x 1.6 cm, accrescent in fruit. Corolla campanulate-tubular, 7.5–9 cm long, lobes tapering into a caudate tip; corolla tube inside tomentose on filament bases; stamens included, filaments adnate to corolla tube below, with a prominent scale just above insertion point, scales obovate, ca 5 x 3.5 mm, margins slightly erose, filaments 2–2.6 cm long, anthers 7–9 mm long, spirally twisted; pollen grains nonspinulose; disc ring-like, undulate, 1–2 mm high; ovary deeply 4-lobed, ca 2 mm high, 4-ovulate, gynobasic, 2.7–3 cm long, stigma biglobose. Fruit 4 (or fewer) free utricles, each obovoid, 1–1.3 x 1.5–1.7 mm, semi-transparent upper half, semi-woody lower half. Seed 1 per utricle, ovoid, brownish, 6–7 mm long, glabrous, hilum basal, circular, yellowish.




Distribution: Endemic to SW Thailand, known only from Sai Yok, Kanchanaburi, confined to limestone hills in mixed deciduous forest, ca 200 m.

Notes: The only genus with characters similar to this species is Dichondra, a genus of prostrate, creeping herbs that is so unlike other Convolvulaceae that it was once segregated into a distinct family. Last updated on 27 December 2016.

Thai name: จิงจ้อเขา (Chingcho khao)

Photos: Fruits: Preecha Karaket; flowers: Sahut Chantanaorrapint (Sai Yok Kanchanaburi)

Staples, G. (in press). Convolvulaceae, In Flora of Thailand 10(3).