Description: Herb with erect stem, c. 50 cm tall, glabrous. Leaves alternate, ovate to ovate-oblong, 4.5–14 cm long; apex acuminate; base broad cuneate with 2 glands near base; margin crenulate-serrate with gland at tip; blade glabrous on both surfaces; nerves 6–8 pairs; petioles to c. 5 cm long. Bracts to c. 2 mm long. Flowers solitary or a pair, axillary, yellow with reddish dots inside; pedicels 3–4 cm long. Lateral sepals 4; outer pair broad ovate, c. 7 mm long; inner ones minute, elliptic, c. 1 mm long. Lip saccate, 0.8–1 cm long, mouth c. 1 across; spur turgid, curve, c. 4 mm long; standard obovate, 8–9 mm long, cota carinate at base. Wing petals connate; upper lobes c. 1.2 cm long, clawed; lower lobes c. 1.2 cm long. Capsule glabrous. |