Description: Shrub, 1–3 m tall, stem and branches with stellate hairs. Leaves alternate, ovate, lobed, 7–15 cm long; apex fringed cuspidate; base cordate; margins irregularly doubly serrate; blade stellate pubescent below; basal nerves 5–7, secondary nerves 3–5 pairs, tertiary nerves scalariform; petiole c. 1 cm long, pubescent. Inflorescence cymose, axillary, up to 3 cm long, velvety. Sepal 5, united,funnel-shaped; lobes minute, unequal, stellate velvety outside. Petals 5, free, white with yellow at base, spathulate, unequal, 2.5–3 cm long, apex obtuse to retuse; clawed with a pairs of auriculate appendages. Stamens 10 united into a glabrous column, adnate to gynandrosphore, staminodes 5. Ovary 5-celled, at top of column, ovoid-oblong, verrucose, hairy, surrounded by the ring of stamens, 5 longitudinal lobes; style 5, linear. Capsule cylindrical, 3–4 cm long, beaked, with 5 longitudinal ridges, densely long stellate hairs, not twisted after dehiscing. Seeds many, globose, tiny longitudinal grooves, c. 2 mm long. |
Distribution: S China, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Borneo and throughout Thailand, edges of dry and evergreen forests, to 350 m.
Notes: Last updated on 27 December 2016. |