Plant of the month January,2007
Eng (thai)



Thepparatia thailandica Phuph., Thai Forest Bulletin (Botany) 34: 196. 2006.

Description: Woody climber to 20 m long, 10–15 cm diam. Most part covered with stellate hairs on lower surface of leaves, petioles, inflorescences, epicalyx and calyx. Stipules caducous Leaves spiral, crowded at the ends of branches, shallowly 3–5-lobed, 7–12 x 8–12 cm, base cordate, apex acuminate, margin irregularly crenate-serrate, glands dotted on upper surface; petiole 5–10 cm long. Inflorescences terminal, drooping, racemose, to 20 cm long; flowers many, pedicels 1.5–1.8 cm, articulate ca 0.5 cm from top. Epicalyx 5–7, connate at base, reddish green, persistent; lobes elliptic to oblong ca 0.7–1 cm long. Calyx 5, connate about the middle, 1–1.4 cm long; lobes ovate acute, ca 5–8 cm long, each lobe with a nerve along the middle. Petals 5, obovate, pale yellow to creamy with dark red centre, stellate puberulous outside, 3–3.5 cm long; apex reflexed. Staminal tube 1.5–2 cm long with unequally 5-toothed apex; filaments ca 1 mm long; anthers horse-shoe shaped, yellow. Ovary 5-celled, ovoid, densely pubescent, ca 3 mm, 12 ovules per cell; style ca 1.6 cm, included in the staminal tube; stigmas shortly hairs at tip.




Distribution: Endemic to Thailand, recorded from Tak and Chiang Mai, near to stream in deep valley dry evergreen forest or on limestone, to ca 700 m.

A new monotypic genus which is related to Thespesia but differs in habit, being a woody climber; flower with pedicels articulate, staminal tube longer than pistil and stigma not lobed. The genus is dedicated to Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn.

Notes: Last updated on 23 December 2016.

Thai name: Khruea thepparat (เครือเทพรัตน์)

Photos: Rachun Pooma (Tha Songyang, Tak)

Phuphathanaphong, L. 2006. Thepparatia (Malvaceae), a new genus from Thailand. Thai Forest Bulletin (Botany) 34: 195–200.