Description: Terrestrial or epiphytic perennial herb, 40–60 cm tall. Leaves elliptic to oblong, glabrous, 25–30 cm long; petioles subsessile to ca 2 cm; ligule reddish with bilobed apex; leaf sheaths with reddish margin. Inflorescences terminal, spike, 15–30 cm with 2–8 flowers; bracts with reddish margin. Flowers white turning pale yellow, fragrant; calyx tubular to ca 10 cm; corolla tube to 14 cm long, lobes 3, linear, curled, reddish, 6–7 cm long; lateral staminodes obovate-lanceolate, white with yellow claw, 7–8 cm; labelum, slightly shorter than staminodes, broadly obovate with ca 1–1.5 cm long claw, lobe ca 4 cm wide, deeply lobed, white with yellow patches at base, turning pale yellow. Filaments 5.5–6 cm long; anthers 1.5–1.7 long, yellow. Fruits oblong, glabrous, 3–3.5 cm long. |
Distribution: Endemic to peninsular Thailand, known only Krabi (Khao Phanom Bencha) and Nakhon Si Thammarat (Khao Men), on tree or open rocky savanna, montane forest, 1,000–1,200 m.
Notes: Last updated on 22 December 2016. |