Description: Frutescent perennial herb; stem succulent, up to 1 m tall. Leave alternate, spirally aggregated at apex of branches, thickened, ovate-lanceolate, 6–11 X 2.5–6 cm; apex acuminate; base broadly cuneate; margin serrate with a pair of glands at base; lateral nerves 8–10 pairs, arcuate, prominent beneath; petioles to ca 3 cm long. Flowers solitary or binary, axillary; pedicels 4–7.5 cm long. Bracts linear, ca 0.5 cm long. Sepals with 2 lateral sepals, ovate to orbicular, 1.5–2 cm long; posterior sepal or lib saccate, ca 2.5 cm across the mouth; spur ca 5 mm long, bilobed, incurved. Petals 5, pale yellow or white; standard obovate or elliptic, reddish yellow patches inside, ca 2 X 1.8 cm; apex emarginate; wing petals connate, 3.5 cm long. Stamens 5. Ovary 5-celled. Capsules turgid in the middle, ca 3 cm long. Seeds fusiform, granulate-pubescent, ca 3.5 mm long. |