Plant of the month September,2004
Eng (thai)



Lonicera hildebrandtiana Coll. & Hemsl., Journ. Linn. Soc. Iiviii: 64. t.1. 1890.

Description: Scandent shrub to ca 1 m. tall. Leave elliptic or ovate 7–12 x 4.5–7 cm; apex acute to cuspidate; base attenuate; margin entire; blade glabrous with conspicuous punctulate on both surfaces, green above, pale green below; secondary nerve 3–6 pairs; petioles 1–1.5 cm long, purple. Inflorescence terminal monochasium. Calyx tube ca 5 mm. long, 5 lobes, green. Corolla bilabiate, 5 lobes (upper lip with 4 lobes, lower lip with 1 lobe), creamy white turning reddish-orange, scented, to 18 cm long. Stamens 5, inserted on the corolla tube; filaments puberulous, 4–5 cm long; anthers versatile, linear, ca 8 mm long. Pistil solitary, filiform, tomentose, as long as corolla lobe; stigma capitate. Fruits berry, ovoid, ca 2.5 cm. long; seeds a few.


Distribution: S China (Yunnan), Upper Myanmar and northern Thailand, recorded from Chiang Mai (Doi Sutep, Doi Chiangdao) and Kamphang Phet (Mae Wong), scattered in partly open montane forest, 1,000–1,900 m.

Notes: Last updated on 30 November 2016.

Thai name: Sai nam phueng yai (สายน้ำผึ้งใหญ่).

Photos: Rachun Pooma (Mae Wong, Kamphaeng Phet).
