Description: Large shrub, terrestrial or sometimes epiphytic, up to 3 m. Leaves opposite or pseudowhorls, narrow-obovate or elliptic, apex acuminate, base cuneate, coriaceous, laxly lepidote beneath 3.5–11 X 1.5–6 cm, secondary nerves 5–6 pairs, petiole to 1.5 cm. Infloescences umbel with 5–10-flowers; pedicels 1–3 cm. Calyx a thin, oblique with very short rim. Corolla salver-shaped, 4–6 cm. long, crimson, tube cylindric to 4 cm, lobes obovate to suborbicular, to 1.5–2.5 cm. Stamens 10, anthers oblong. Disc densely hairy in the upper half. Ovary elongate-conical, densely hairy or scales, 5–6 x 2 mm, scales, style exerted, ca 4.5 cm lomg, stigma obscurely 5-lobed. Capsule elongate-obconical, laxly hairy and lepidote, ca 3–4 x 0.5 cm, 5 ribs. Seeds very narrow, c. 4 mm including the long filiform tail on both ends. |
Distribution: Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo and lower peninsular Thailand (Yala, Narathiwat), on trees or rocks, hard quartzite ridge or sandstone pavement, to ca 1,500 m.
Notes: Last updated on 30 November 2016. |