Description: Small tree, 10–15 m tall, lenticellate. Stipules free, triangular ca 1 mm, puberulous, early caducous. Leaves alternate, elliptic, subovate-ellipticc 8–12.5 x 3–6 cm; magin entire; midrib elevated on both surfaces, secondary nerves 8–11 pairs, scattered stellate and granular hairs on lower surface; petiole 0.5–1.2 mm. long. Male Inflorescences flexuose, axillary, up to 8 cm long, puberulous. Male flowers fascicles with one broadly triangulart bract ca 1 mm and two smaller bracts; perianth subglobular, ca 1.5 mm, densely pubescent; stamens glabrous, 2.5 mm. long. Female Inflorescences solitary in the axils or spike of 2–3 flowers; perianth rounded, puberulous, ca 0.75 mm. long; staminodes well developed; styles c. 1 mm. long, recurved, pilose; ovary strongly 3-winged, 2 mm long, 3-locular; ovules 2 per loculas. Fruits 3-winged, ovate, ca 0.5 mm, minute indumentum. Cupules shallowly divided into 2 rounded abaxial lobes, 2 x 3–4 mm; divided into 4–5 rounded lobes, 3–4 x 7 mm; outside covered with ca 3 transverse rows of rounded tomentose scale; inner surface densely tomentose; fruit-scar rounded-triangular. |
Distribution: Widely scattered from S China (Yunnan) to northern Thailand, recorded from Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Mae Hong Son and Utraradit, locally common on ridges in open montane forest, 900–1,700 m.
Notes: Last updated on 30 November 2016. |