Plant of the month May,2004
Eng (thai)



Thunbergia papilionacea W.W.Sm., Rec. Bot. Surv. India, 6: 103. 1914.
Acanthaceae (Thunbergiaceae)

Description: Woody twining vine, most parts more or less pubescent. Leaves opposite, broadly ovate look like butterfly, densely pubescent on both surfaces or glabrous, 4–14 x 3–12 cm; apex acuminate; base cordate; margin remote dentate; secondary nerves reticulate, 5–7 nerves originated from the base, elevated on both surfaces; petioles 1–6 cm long, much shorter or subsessile on inflorescences branches. Inflorescences aggregated of 2–3 flowers in racemes of solitary or 2–3 flowers, axillary or terminal, the terinal up to 20 cm long; bracts leaf-like with irregular fimbriate margin, pinkish green, 1–5 cm long; bracteoles 2, leaf-like with entire margin, persistent on fruits, ca 1.5–2 x 1.5 cm; pedicels ca 2 cm long, densely pubescent. Calyx tubular, very short (reduced). Corolla bright yellow orangish, 3–4 cm long; tube ca 2 cm long, pubescent outside; expansion limb ca 2–5 cm wide, lobe rounded, subequal. Stamens didynamous, inserted on corolla tube; filaments ligulate, 10 x 2 mm, glabrous; anther sparsely barbate, ca 6 mm. long, coherent at apex. Ovary ovoid, puescent, 3–4 mm long; styles ca 2 mm long, pubecent; stigma narrowly expanded. Fruits capsule, ensiform beak, loculicidal, rounded at base ca 1.5 cm in diam, beak ca 2 x .0.5 cm; stalk stout, 2–3 cm long.



Distribution: Distributed in Myanmar (Thaungyin) and northern Thailand, recorded from Chiang Rai, Mae Hong Son, 400–1,400 m, on limestone.

Notes: Last updated on 30 November 2016.

Thai name: Ching cho phi suea (จิงจ้อผีเสื้อ).

Photos: Alain Mauric (flower), Rachun Poomao (fruit), (Doi Tung, Chiang Rai).
