Description: Small to medium sized tree, to 20 m tall, bark smooth. Young twigs densely pubescent. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, 13–20 x 5–7 cm, glossy above, sparsely pubescent below; base acute or obtuse; apex acuminate; secondary veins 10–14 pairs; petioles c. 8 mm long. Inflorescence with 1–3 flowers, opposite leaf or extra-axillary; flowers pedicelate c. 2 cm. Sepals ovate, densely pubescent outside, 3–5 x 3 mm. Outer petals 3, broad ovate, with undulate margin, white to yellow, densely pubescent outside, c. 3 x 2.5 cm. Inner petals 3, base clawed; apex connivent, sparsely pubescent outsidec, purplish, c. 2 x 1.5 cm. Stamens numerous, connectives with truncate dilated apex, c. 1 mm long. Carpels 8–10, 2 mm long, ovules 6–8. Monocarps 5–7, oblong, smooth with longitudinal ridge, sparsely pubescent, 4––6 x 2–2.5 cm; stipes 1–1.3 cm long. Seeds 8, c. 10 x 6 mm. |