| | Notothixos malayanus Oliv. In Hook., Ic. Pl. 16: T1519. 1886; Ridley, Fl. Malay Pen. 3: 165. 1924; Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenz. 11: 457. 1931. | Viscaceae | |
Description: Erect spreading parasitic shrub c. 50 cm tall, stem cracked into white strips when mature, young twigs covered with densely peltate, stipitate, disc-shaped unicellular scales each with 4–8 scattered tooth-like processes, and with scattered dendritic hairs. Prophylls and cataphylls narrow-triangular, acute, less than 1 mm long, the cataphylls c. 1 mm above the base of the internode. Leaf lamina orbicular to broadly elliptic, 2.5–4 x 2.5–3 cm; apex rounded; base attenuate; nerves 3 or 5. Inflorescence a single pedunculate cymule of c. 7 flowers with the central 1–3 male flowers and lateral female flowers; peduncle quadrangular, c. 2 mm long, elongating to c. 6 mm long in fruit. Male flower c. 1.3 mm in diameter; tepals c. 1 mm long. Female flower funnel-shaped, c. 1.7 mm long; tepals c. 0.5 mm long. Fruit narrowly ellipsoid, white, 6–8 x 3 mm. | | | |
Distribution: Peninsular Malaysia (Penang, Perak, Pahang) and Thailand, only recorded from Suphan Buri (Phu Toei), scattered in pine–deciduous dipterocarp forest (Pinus merkusii), ca 600 m., on Gulta usitata tree.
Notes: Last updated on 28 October 2016. | |
Thai name: Kafak rak (กาฝากรัก) | |
Photos: Rachun Pooma, Thammarat Phutthai (Phu Toei, Suphanburi). | |
| Barlow, B.A. 1983. A revision of the genus Notothixos (Viscaceae). Brunonia 6(1): 1–24. |