Plant of the month February,2002
Eng (thai)



Diospyros dumetorum W.W. Sm., Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 9: 104.1916; C. Phengklai, Fl. Thailand 2(4): 337. 1981.

Description: Evergreen small tree c. 5–10 m tall. Leaves elliptic to oblong, slightly ovate, 2–4 x 0.7–2 cm, apex acuminate, base cuneate; blade villous then scattered on both surfaces; secondary nerves 3–5 pairs; petioles 2–3 mm. Male flowers cymose, 4-merous; calyx divided to the base, pubescent outside, glabrous inside; corolla ovate, 3–4 cm long, divided to a third, pubescent outside along mid-line, glabrous inside; stamens 14–18, anthers glabrous, filament pubescent; rudimentary ovary glabrous or absent. Female flowers solitary, 4-merous; calyx and corolla as in male flowers but larger; ovary ovoid, pubescent, (6–)–8-locular; staminodes 7–9, glabrous. Fruit subglobose, with 5–8 longitudinal grooves due to number of seeds, with shortly apiculate, c. 7–8 x 8 mm when dry; fruiting calyx divided to the base; pubescent, later glabescent on both sides; lobes ovate, with long acuminate apex, reflexed, c. 5 x 3 mm; stalk 1–2 mm long.



Distribution: S China (Yunnan) and N Thailand, recorded from Chiang Mai (Doi Chiang Dao) and Chiang Rai ( Doi Tung), scattered on rugged limestone, montane forest, 1,100–1,800 m.

Notes:  Last updated on 28 October 2016.

Thai name: Ma kuea noi (มะเกลือน้อย).

Photos: Rachun Pooma (Doi Tung, Chiang Rai).
