Plant of the month January,2002
Eng (thai)



Sauropus poomae Welzen & Chayamarit, Kew Bull. 56: 653, fig. 3. 2001.

Description: Undershrubs, c. 50 cm tall, stem with dense groups of stipules and scars of branches; cauliflorous. Stipules triangular, 2.2–3.5 x 2–3.5 mm, stiff, recurved, breaking off. Leaves ovate to triangular, 3.7–7.3 x 2.6–4.6 cm, papery, base truncate, margin flat to recurved, apex acute, often mucronulate, venation visible above, nerves 9–11. Inflorescences single or groups of racemes, up to 11 cm long, with per node several staminate and one pistillate flower. Flowers reddish brown to dark purple; stamens androphore c. 0.3 mm tall; ovary widely bell-shaped, 0.8–1 x 1.1–1.7 mm; styles horizontal. Fruits unknown.




Distribution: Endemic to Thailand, known only in Chiang Rai (Doi Tung) under shade on rugged limestone, moist area in lower valley evergreen forest, 1,200–1,300 m.

Notes:  Last updated on 28 October 2016.

Thai name: Dok tai ton (ดอกใต้ต้น).

Photos: Precha Karaket (Doi Tung, Chiang Rai).
