Plant of the month December,2001
Eng (thai)



Messerschmidia argentea (L.f.) Johnston, J. Arnold Arbor. 16: 164. 1935; K.M. Wong, Tree Flora 4: 64. 1989.

Description: Spreading crown shrubby tree, 3–5 m tall; stems stout, densely silky grayish white. Leaves obovate, clustered in spiral, succulent, 8–18 x 3.5–8 cm, hairy on both surfaces; apex pointed to obtuse; base gradually attenuated to the stem. Inflorescences terminal panicle with numerous flowers. Flowers white, small, sessile, born on the ultimate branches of the panicle. Fruit small, pea-sized, dull green turning brown, breaking in half; apex and dorsal surface of carpels covered with corky exocarpial tissue.

Distribution: Widely distributed but restricted to small islands in Indian to the Pacific Ocean. In Thailand, scattered on undisturbed beaches, recorded from Phangnga (Similan) and Krabi (Ko Lanta).

Notes:  Last updated on 28 October 2016.

Thai name: Nguang Chang Thale (งวงช้างทะเล).

Photos: Thammarat Phuthai (Ko Lanta, Krabi).

Johnston, I. M. 1935. Studies in the Boraginaceae XI. Journal Arnold Arboretum 16: 164–168.
Ridley, H.N. 1967. The Flora of the Malay Peninsula II: 438–441.
Wong, K.M. 1989. Boraginaceae in Tree Flora of Malaya Vol. 4: 64.