| | Wrightia karaketii D. J. Middleton, Gard. Bull. Singapore 61: 370. 2010. | Apocynaceae | |
Description: Shrub to mall tree, to 10 m tall. Leaves opposite, elliptic, 9–21 cm long; apex obtuse or emarginate; petioles to ca 1 cm long. Inflorescences terminal cyme; peduncle 0.8–2.3 cm long; flowers 5 merous; pedicels ca 5 mm. Sepals ovate, 3.7–5.5 mm long. Petals red, outside green at base; tube ca 2 mm long; lobes obovate, 1.7–2 cm long. Corona only antepetalous, connate at base, adnate to ca 4.5 mm, fimbriate 1.2–1.5 mm long. Stamens inserted at corolla mouth; anthers sagittate at base. Ovary glabrous, carpel free; style ca 6 mm. Fruits a pair of follicles, patent, 30–40 cm long; densely lenticellate. Seeds linear, ca 1.7 cm long; coma at base, ca 3 cm long. | | | |
Distribution: Endemic to northern Thailand, but expect to be in Myanmar, recorded from Chiang dao, Chiang mai, near to Myanmar border, on small limestone hills, mixed deciduous forest, ca 750 m. Previously determined as Wrightia coccinea (Roxb.) Sims.
Notes: Last updated on 23 December 2016. | |
Thai name: Mok karaket (โมกการะเกตุ) | |
Photos: Rachun Pooma, Preecha Karaket (Chiang Dao, Chiang Mai) | |
| Middleton, D.J. 1999. Apocynaceae. In T. Santisuk & K. Larsen (eds.), Flora of Thailand Vol. 7 part 1: 82–83. |