e-Flora of Thailand

Volume 5 > Part 3 > Year 1991 > Page 247 > Capparaceae > Capparis

6. Capparis sabiifolia Hook.f. & Thornsonwfo-0000585089

in Fl. Br. Ind. 1: 179. 1872; Craib in Fl. Siam. En. 1: 83. 1925; Kanjilal, Fl. Assam. 1: 78. 1934; Gagnep. in Suppl. Fl. Gén. I.-C. 1: 170. 1939.

Accepted Name : This is currently accepted.

Synonyms & Citations :

Capparis vientianensis Gagnep., Bull. Soc. Bot. 85: 599. 1939; in Suppl. Fl. Gén. I.-C. 1: 161. 1939.

Description : Shrub or small tree, 1.5–4 m; branches glabrous; shoots with a few cataphylls at base; thorns straight, 3–4 mm long, or wanting. Leaves elliptic or oblong, 4.5–10 by 2–4.5 cm, papery; base acute or cuneate; apex gradually tapering to a tip, up to 2 cm, or acuminate; nerves 3–7 pairs, arched. Petiole 5–8 mm. Flowers arranged in supra-axillary rows. Pedicels 12–20 mm. Sepals 5–6 by 2–4 mm; outside glabrous; inside tomentose; ciliate in the inner pairs. Petals oblong, 7 by 2.5–3 mm, densely tomentose on both sides. Gynophore 15–20 mm, glabrous. Ovary ovoid or ellipsoidal, 2 by 1 mm, glabrous. Fruits globose, ca 1 cm in diam.; pericarp thin, smooth; stipe 2.5–4 cm slender.

Thailand : NORTHERN: Chiang Mai (Doi Inthanon), Phrae.

Distribution : India, Burma, Laos (Vientiane – type).

Ecology : In scrub, evergreen forests and mixed deciduous forests, 200–2,000 m alt. Flowering: March–May.

Vernacular : Ta-chu-mae (ตาฉู่แม)(Karen-Northern).

Plate XVIII: 15
Capparis sabiifolia Hook.f. & Thornson