e-Flora of Thailand
Volume 2 > Part 1 > Year 1970 > Page 49 > Rosaceae > Rubus
1. Rubus leucanthus Hancewfo-0001002192
in Walpers, Ann. Bot. Syst. 2: 468. 1852; Focke, Biblioth. Bot. 17(72): 148. 1911; Craib, Fl. Siam. En. 1: 571. 1931; Thuan in Fl. C.L.V. 7: 19. 1968. Fig. 2.
Accepted Name : This is currently accepted.
Synonyms & Citations :
Description : Shrub climbing up to 20 m, glabrous, covered with strong hooked prickles, flattened at the base. Leaves compound pinnate, usually 3-foliolate, sometimes simple, coriaceous, glabrous and shining above. Leaflets broad ovate, 5–10 by 3–5 cm, acuminate at the apex, broadly and regularly dentate, midrib prickly; nerves 7 paris. Petiole 2–6 cm long, glabrous, prickly. Stipules joined to the petiole, linear. Flowers 10–15 mm across, in axillary few-flowered racemes or terminal panicles 4 cm long. Pedicel 5–12 mm, glabrous, unarmed. Bracts and bracteoles trifid, small caducous. Calyx globose, glabrous; lobe abruptly mucronate, grey-tomentose inside and on margins, persistent. Petals white, long-unguiculate. Stamens numerous, filaments flattence; anthers ovate. Carpels ca 80 on a prominent receptacle. Styles filiform, shorter than stamens. Fruit globose, reddish. Stones reniform.
Thailand : NORTHERN: Nan (Doi Tio).
Distribution : Vietname, Laos, Cambodia, S China (type).
Ecology : In open mountain localities, 400–200 m alt.
Uses: Fruit edible.