e-Flora of Thailand

Volume 7 > Part 1 > Year 1999 > Page 160 > Primulaceae > Lysimachia

10. Lysimachia congestiflora Hemsl.wfo-0001105684

J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 26: 50. 1889; Hand.-Mazz., Notes Bot. Gard. Edinb. 16: 93. 1928; Fletcher in Kerr, Fl. Siam. En. 2: 323. 1938; AUCT. MULT., Icon. Cormoph. Sin. 3: 274, fig. 4502, 1974; C.M.Hu, Acta Phytotax Sin. 23: 362. 1985; Chen & C.M.Hu, Reipubl. Popul. Sin. 59: 83. 1989.

Accepted Name : This is currently accepted.

Synonyms & Citations :

Lysimachia smithiana Craib, Kew Bull, 1922: 238. 1922.

Description : Perennial herb. Stems prostrate, rooting at nodes, upper part and branches ascending, 6–50 cm, fulvous pilose; branches slender, often leafy only at apex. Leaves opposite, the 2 apical pairs crowded; petiole ½–⅓ the length of the blade, narrowly winged; blade ovate to broadly ovate or suborbicular, (0.7–)1.4–3(4.5) x (0.6)–1.3–2.2(–3) cm, base subrounded or shortly attenuate, apex acute or obtuse, strigillose, rarely glabrescent; glandular dots many, chiefly near the margin, reddish or becoming black; lateral nerves 2–4 pairs; veins inconspicuous. Inflorescence a terminal shortened head-like raceme, 2–4-flowered, rarely with solitary flowers in axils of the leaf pairs below the inflorescence. Pedicel very short or to 2 mm. Calyx split nearly to base; lobes lanceolate, 5–8.5 x 1–1.5 mm, sparsely pubescent abaxially. Corolla yellow, dull red at base of inner side; tube 2–3 mm; lobes ovate-elliptic to oblong, 7–8 x 3–6.5 mm, acute or obtuse, with red or black glandular dots. Filaments connate into a 2.5 mm tube at base, free parts 2.5–4.5 mm. Anthers oblong, ca 1.5 mm, opening by lateral slits. Ovary hairy; style 5–7 mm. Capsule subglobose, 3–4 mm in diameter.

Thailand : NORTHERN: Chiang Rai [Doi Phahom Pok, Doi Ngao (Muang Chem)].

Distribution : India, Nepal, N Burma, China (type), Vietnam.

Ecology : Marshy ground, open grasy forests, 1,200 m alt. Flowering: May–June.
