e-Flora of Thailand

Volume 2 > Part 3 > Year 1975 > Page 201 > Podocarpaceae > Podocarpus

4. Podocarpus imbricatus Blumewfo-0000485224

En. Pl. Jav. 1: 89. 1827; Pilger in Pflanzenr. Taxaceae 18: 56 1903; Dallim. & Jacks., Handb. Conif.: 7. 1923; RidL, Fl. Mal. Pen 5: 283 1925; Hickel in Fl. Gén. I.-C. 5: 1068. 1931; Wasscher, Blumea 4: 388. 1941; Suvatabandhu, J. natn. Res. Coun. Thailand 2r 62. 1961; Larsen, Dansk Bot. Ark. 20: 123. 1962; Back. & Bakh. F., Fl. Java 1: 89. 1963.

Accepted Name : Dacrycarpus imbricatus (Blume) de Laub.
J. Arnold Arbor. 50: 317. 1969.

Description : Tree up to 30 m high, 120 cm in girth; crown usually highly attachedand straggling. Bark reddish or dark brown. Leaves of two forms, one on branches linear, terete, decurrent mucronate, ± 0.2 cm; one on terminal shoots, distichous, flattened or feather-like, linear mucronate, 0.3–0.6 cm. Strobili cylindrical up to 1 cm long, on branchlets below the distichous leaves. ♀ flowers solitary, terminal at the end of short branches; receptacle short, thick. Seeds globose with a short mucronate tip, red when mature.

The juvenile tree is readily distinguished from Dacrydium elatum by its feather-like leaves.

Thailand : NORTHERN: Phitsanulok; NORTH-EASTERN: Loei, Phetchabun; EASTERN: Nakhon Ratchasima; SOUTH-EASTERN: Trat.

Distribution : India, China, Burma, Annam, Laos, Cambodia, Malesia (Java – type).

Ecology : Scattered in evergreen forests, 700–1,200 m alt. Flowering: January–May; seeds ripening in March–September.

Vernacular : Makham pom dong (มะขามป้อมดง)(Eastern); phaya mai (พญาไม้), sarun (สะรุล)(Southeastern).

Uses: The even-grained wood is pinkish or yellowish and good for furniture and cabinet work.


Figure 20
Rachun Pooma
Preecha Karaket