e-Flora of Thailand
Volume 2 > Part 1 > Year 1970 > Page 58 > Rosaceae > Rubus
17. Rubus rugosus Sm.wfo-0000983438
in Rees, Cyclop. 30: Rubus n. 34. 1819; Focke, Biblioth. Bot. 17(72): 92. 1910; Thuan in Fl. C.L.V. 7 56. pl. 3. 1968.
Accepted Name : This is currently accepted.
Synonyms & Citations :
Description : Clambering shrub. Branches clothed with grey or yellow wool and curved prickles. Leaves simple, orbicular, palmate, distinctly and regularly 5-lobed, basal lobes broadly divergent. 10–18 cm wide, irregularly serrate, bullate on upper surface, clothed with grey wool underneath; lobes obtuse, terminal larger; nerves 5 pairs. Petiole 4–7 cm. Stipules joined to the stem, caducous, palmatifid, hairy. Flowers 12–18 mm across, in axillary clusters 4 cm long, or terminal panicles 10 cm long. Pedicel 2 mm. Bracts palmatifid, 1 cm wide, hairy. Calyx globose, reddish-tomentose; lobes lanceoate, reflexed. Petals white, incised at the apex. Carpels ca 40. Styles filiform, longer than the stamens; stigma 2-lobed. Fruit globose, reddish.
Thailand : NORTH-EASTERN: Loei (Phu Kradueng); SOUTH-WESTERN: Kanchanaburi.
Distribution : India, Nepal (type), Ceylon, Burma, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malay Peninsula.
Ecology : On forests margins, 700–1,300 m alt. Flowering: June–October.
Vernacular : Khi on khrua (ขี้อ้นเครือ), nam khai pu (หนามไข่ปู)(Northeastern).