e-Flora of Thailand
Volume 2 > Part 1 > Year 1970 > Page 57 > Rosaceae > Rubus
15. Rubus moluccanus L.wfo-0001018092
Sp. Pl.: 1197. 1753; Focke, Biblioth. Bot. 17(72): 88, 87. f. 34. 1910; Craib, Fl. Siam. En. 1: 572. 19311; Roy. For. Dep., Siam. Pl. Names: 420. 1948; Thuan in Fl. C.L.V. 7: 62, 63. pl. 4. 1968.
Accepted Name : This is currently accepted.
Synonyms & Citations :
Description : Clambering shrub. Branches grey-tomentose, covered with minute, hooked prickles. Leaves simple, palmatilobed, 12 by 10 cm, deeply and narrowly cordate, serrulate, reticulate-tomentose underneath, lobes 5, long, obtuse; nerves 7 pairs. Petiole 3–4 cm. Stipules joined to the stem, pinnatifid, segments lanceolate. Flowers 1.5 cm across, in terminal and axillary panicles 5–10 cm long. Pedicel 1 cm. Bracts ovate, incised. Calyx campanulate, hirsute; lobes acuminate incised. Petals unguiculate. Stamens numerous; filaments flattened; anthers hairy at the apex. Carpels ca 40. Styles filiform; stigma bilobed. Fruit red, globose.
Thailand : SOUTH-EASTERN: Trat (Ko Chang); PENINSULAR: Ranong, Surat Thani, Yala.
Distribution : Laos, Vietnam, India, Burma, Malay Peninsula, Indonesia (Ambon – type), the Philippines, Melanesia.
Ecology : In open places from sea level to 900 m alt.
Vernacular : Som kop (ส้มกบ), som kung (ส้มกุ้ง), takhe lok khwai (ตะเขหลอกควาย)(Southeastern); fa laep (ฟ้าแลบ)(Peninsular).
Uses: Fruit edible. Young leaves may be eaten as a vegetable.